Faculty Directory
The Faculty Directory is a list of representatives for STEM across departments, who are open to outreach events and STEM related activities.

Public School Partnership
The Public School Partnership (PSP) provides a beneficial collaboration between Appalachian State University and P-12 public schools in Northwest North Carolina.

Mathematics and Science Education Center
The goals of the Centers are to increase the quality and quantity of mathematics and science teachers in North Carolina Public Schools, sponsor research and development in mathematics and science education and increase the use of educational technology in schools.

Math Competitions
Faculty in the Department of Mathematical Sciences engage in a strong program of outreach and engagement including many math competitions for both K-12 and teachers.

Collaborations and Partnerships
Appalachian's College of Arts and Sciences is involved in a variety of partnerships and collaborations both within the University and with our community.

Lab Schools
UNC System lab schools are designed to provide enhanced educational programming to improve student performance and to plan demonstration sites for the preparation of future teachers and school administrators. There are seven UNC System lab schools in North Carolina, including the Appalachian State University Academy at Middle Fork.
Outreach by Department
Departmental Resources for Outreach: